Title I, Part A Funding
Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I funds are allocated to schools based on the percentage of students receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40% are eligible for a schoolwide program. Brown Local Schools is designated as a schoolwide program.
Title I money is used to improve academic achievement in reading and math. This is achieved through the hiring of paraprofessionals, supplementing curriculum, enhancing parent involvement, reducing class size, and extending learning time for students who need extra help. These opportunities are provided to students throughout the district. Title I funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement.
Title I funds will be used to provide additional assistance to all students who experience difficulties in meeting the State’s performance targets.
The School-Parent compact is a component of the school-level plan.
The compact is available in Final Forms. We ask parents/ guardians to read and agree to it each school year.
The compact is a plan of action that outlines how everyone shares responsibility for student success- teacher, parent and student. Please find below the responsibilities of each role.
Brown Local Schools vision is to be one family taking pride in all we do. Therefore, we agree to:
Prioritize daily attendance and getting my child to school on time with the necessary materials
Be an active partner and communicate regularly with school staff
Sign and return necessary papers requested by school staff
Establish a time and place for homework and verify that it is complete
Encourage appropriate behavior
Participate in decisions relating to my child’s education
Student Learners
Attend school every day on time unless I am sick.
Complete in-class and homework assignments.
Pay attention in class and ask my teacher questions when I do not understand something.
Follow all school and classroom rules.
Professional Staff:
Encourage staff and parents/guardians to participate in meetings and conferences
Provide an environment that enhances learning and allows for positive communication between the teacher, parent/guardian and student
Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction to meet Ohio’s academic content standards
Make classroom rules and school policies clear to students and parents
Ensure homework assignments are purposeful to classroom instruction
Be available to fellow staff, students, and families
Provide timely reports of children’s progress